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當前快播:boyfriend歌詞(撩妹不會用這幾句英語,還怎么撩?) 2022-12-20 17:39:05  來源:熱點網(wǎng)



今天我們的話題是如何用英語表達愛意,說出情話,讓你的生活更加的美滿!恐龍粉們是不是已經(jīng)迫不及待了,那我們就馬上開始吧!come on!

1. have a crush on someone: (informal) have a strong feeling of love, that usually does not last very long 暗戀某人

Celine: I told him “You should date Emma. She has a big crush on you.” And he turned to me and said: “Well, that"s too bad, because I have a big crush on you.” So, yeah, it really scared the hell out of me -because I thought he was so fine. Then he officially asked me on a date.

— Before Sunrise





scare the hell out of somebody:嚇shi人了

ask someone on a date (=ask someone out):約某人出去

2. hit it off (with someone): (informal) to have a friendly relationship (with someone) (和某人)投緣

Sally: Harry is one of my best friends and you are one of my best friends. And if you two hit it off, we could still be friends, instead of drifting apart like you do when you date someone who doesn"t know your friends.

— When Harry Met Sally





3. have a soft spot for someone: (informal) to like somebody/something 喜歡某人

She"s always had a soft spot for you.




4. Those Three Little Words: I love you 我愛你

The expression "those three little words" refers to the phrase "I love you." Since "I love you" is considered such a strong and powerful thing to say, we often use the phrase "those three little words" to refer to the phrase in conversation. Usually, this is used when at least one person in a couple hasn"t said it to the other, but it can also be used for the first time one partner says "I love you" to the other. (Source)

大家??疵绖l(fā)現(xiàn),外國人只有在關(guān)系到了一定的地步才會跟對方說“I love you.”,因為這三個字在他們看來是“such a strong and powerful thing to say”,所以他們不會輕易開口說,日常對話中可使用“Those Three Little Words”來指代“I love you.”。

For the love-struck couple, it was a moment to cherish when they said those three little wordsto each other for the first time.


5. fall for someone: (informal) to be strongly attracted to someone; to fall in love with someone 愛上,傾心于

They fell for each otherinstantly.


“fall for something”意思卻大相徑庭: (informal) to be tricked into believing something that is not true(信以為真)。請注意區(qū)分。

6. be an item: (informal) to be involved in a romantic or sexual relationship 戀愛;有性關(guān)系

They"re not an itemany more.


看到這個詞組的第一反應(yīng)是比伯的歌詞“Are we an item?(我們在拍拖吧?)” 英文歌循環(huán)得多了,英語自然就好了。感謝比伯。

7. fix somebody up (with somebody): (informal) to arrange for somebody to have a meeting with somebody who might become a boyfriend or girlfriend 給……介紹(男友,女友)

One of my relatives always tried to fix me up with some guyI"m not interested in.



跟這個詞組類似的表達還有“set somebody up” ,舉個例子:

—How did you meet Nick? 你跟尼克咋認識的?。?

—A friend set us up. 一個朋友牽的線。

8. pop the question: (informal) to ask someone to marry you 開口求婚

Monica was delighted when Chandler eventually popped the question.


說到“求婚”,可能更為大家熟知的詞是“propose to someone”,但是在口語中“pop the question”很常見哦,絕對是加分詞匯~

9. get hitched: (informal) to get married 結(jié)婚

How old were your parents when they got hitched?


還有一個表示“結(jié)婚”的詞組是“tie the knot (with someone)”,舉個例子:

She"s planning to tie the knot with her Chinese boyfriendnext month.


中文里形容兩個人結(jié)婚時用“喜結(jié)連理”,英文中有“tie the knot”,看來不同語言與文化之間還是有共通之處嘛!



I adore you.

I"ve got a thing for you.

I"m totally into you.

I"m in love with you.

I fell in love with you.

I love you from the bottom of my heart.

You complete me.

You mean so much to me.



blind date:相親

puppy love:青少年的初戀;少年不成熟的戀愛

love at first sight:一見鐘情

unrequited love:單相思

lovey-dovey: 過于情意綿綿的

get/have the hots for someone:對某人有情欲


Finally,恐龍先生金句推送show time;(朋友們覺得好的金句可以私聊給我哦,共享資源)

For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it.

For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it.

For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.


關(guān)鍵詞: 一見鐘情 終成眷屬 學(xué)習英語

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